Snare Drum & Bagpipe Taster Session

Snare Drum & Bagpipe Taster Session
Saturday 15 March | 2pm - 3pm
Venue: 2 Royal Avenue
Free Entry
Always wanted to try the Pipe Band Snare Drum or Great Highland Bagpipes? Well, now is the opportunity (1 hour workshop).
Matthew Shaw began his drumming career under the guidance of Davy Mckibben and Wilby Hanna in 2006 where he progressed through Upper Crossgare. He has led Ravara’s drum corps since 2018, winning nearly every major title multiple times, including the World title in 2024 taking the band to grade 1. Matthew is an accomplished tutor who has taught many individuals who have progressed to perform at the highest level in pipe band drum corps and solo competitions.
Ian Burrows is highly experienced in performing and teaching the Highland Bagpipes having competed at the highest level in grade 1 and performing at festivals, tattoos and events across the world. He has been involved in many local teaching projects across NI and is an assessor for the Ulster-Scots Agency/Royal Scottish Pipe Band Northern Ireland Branch Foundation certificate in Highland Bagpipes. Ian also plays the Scottish Smallpipes and whistle.