St. Patrick’s Pilgrimage with Jim Deeds & Cheryl Meban

St. Patrick’s Pilgrimage with Jim Deeds & Cheryl Meban


Monday 17 March | 12pm - 2pm

12pm - Start Point - ‘The Big Fish’ on Donegall Quay

Visiting Belfast Cathedral and St. Patrick’s Church, Donegall St. enroute

2pm - End Point – St. Matthew’s Church, Shankill Road where refreshments will be provided.

2:30pm - Transport will leave St. Matthew’s Church and return to the Big Fish.

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This event is also taking place on Friday 14th March, please see the event here.

In this cross-community journey, we will visit sites linked to St Patrick’s story and reflect on how it can speak into our lives today, with moments for reflection, prayer and song along the way.

St Patrick is now widely accepted as a common Christian saint who crossed the ford at the Farset river near the Big Fish and made his way through what is now the Cathedral Quarter to establish the “Church of St. Patrick of the White Ford” which later became known as “The Old Church” or Shankill.  

Meeting at the Big Fish and walking through the Cathedral Quarter, visiting Belfast Cathedral and St. Patrick’s Church which houses a fragment of the bone of St. Patrick, taken from Downpatrick to Rome a thousand years ago and returned to Belfast in the 1860’s, finishing at St. Matthew’s Church on the Shankill Road, site of the first church in Belfast, which it is believed was founded by St. Patrick.  

Open to all religious/spiritual traditions and none.