From Greece to Belfast: Deree Music Society takes on TradFest!

By Pr. Leslie Jones


My name is Leslie Jones. Originally from Oregon, I am a cellist and Professor of Music at Deree-The American College of Greece.

I first attended the Belfast Summer School of Traditional Music in 2023 at the invitation of my brother Ken who has been playing pipes for many years. I was in the cello class of the brilliant cellist Neil Martin, who made beautiful arrangements for our cello ensemble and was truly inspiring as our Masterclass instructor. He shared his solo cello composition titled SLIABH AN tSOLAIS, with me and gave me insight to the spirituality and meaning of the work.  I hope to perform his work in Greece in the near future.

I had such a wonderful time at the TradFest in July 2023, that I decided to invite the Music Society of my College ACG-Deree to attend in 2024. With the kind support of ACG-Deree, The Propeller Club of Greece and Aegean Airlines, thirteen of us we made our way first to Dublin and then Belfast. The group had an amazing time, some of their own experiences are included below. 

I decided not to rent a cello this year and so I chose the traditional singing masterclasses with Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh and Dàibhidh Stiùbhard. I loved the singing classes, and I am so grateful that we were able to meet and work with both instructors. I have been singing songs to myself all the time and feel this class has also informed my interpretation of the cello work by Neil Martin.

I cannot say enough great things about this festival and the beautiful city of Belfast. First of all, the city is beautiful and fascinating and a trip up to the Ulster Museum is essential.

Belfast TradFest is brilliantly conceived, and organised to the last detail. The organisers have thought of everything. The festival is welcoming and inclusive for people of all ages and abilities and has something for everyone. The range of very affordable masterclasses, afternoon classes and events, pub sessions, concerts and céilís, with the concert culmination of the masterclasses in the Cathedral Church of St Anne make the Summer School a must.

The Summer School Accommodation located right next to the University was excellent. It is very affordable, clean and spacious with really kind staff. Every evening the lobby is ringing with traditional music sessions until late at night. I even took a turn singing with my friends, and everyone was so encouraging.

This year my highlights were; 

Meeting so many warm and welcoming Irish people everywhere we went

The traditional singing classes with excellent instructors, Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh & Dàibhidh Stiùbhard

Dancing at the Pride Céilí

Going to pubs for sessions and seeing the tradition happen while enjoying the best beer in the world

Attending traditional concerts at Irish cultural centres

The concert by JIGGY was absolutely fun and amazing. Unbelievable   

Socializing with my students and colleagues from Greece

Having a reunion with my family and friends

Watching my husband and cousins from Mexico dance in the Cathedral

I highly recommend Belfast TradFest to anyone who wants to truly experience a city and a culture. Be sure to participate in a Summer School masterclass regardless of your age or musical/dance abilities.  

What ACG-Deree Music Society members had to say;

When I was informed that this trip would be happening, I was thrilled, as visiting Ireland had always been a dream, and I have a deep appreciation for traditional Irish music. The trip enriched me both on a musical and personal level, both through classes, sessions and concerts, where I could experience first-hand the music we studied. Exploring the pubs and engaging with local musicians and residents allowed me to learn about Irish culture and Belfast’s history.

- Konstantina Aktoglou, Music Performance Major

This trip has been rewarding in every sense. In Belfast, music was everywhere! We immersed ourselves into this wonderful, ancient culture, we met amazing musicians, we learned from one another, we opened our hearts to the most welcoming, warm and true musical experience I have had in a long time.  As a faculty in this journey, I had the chance to get closer to our students: we found the time and the space needed to discuss in depth about our common concerns, our wishes, our shared struggles.

- Dr. Maira Milolidaki, Music and Theatre Arts Dept

I attended the Traditional Singing course at the Belfast TradFest. This opportunity not only enriched my musical understanding but also allowed me to immerse myself in Irish culture. This short but impactful trip will leave a lasting impression, reminding me of the profound power of music to connect people and inspire change.

- Artemis Dopoulos, Music Society Governing Body member

I had the pleasure of attending the “Bodhrán for Beginners” course, where I learned to play this unique Irish percussion instrument, gaining a deeper understanding of Irish music and its cultural significance. Inspired by the experience, I even brought my own bodhrán back to Greece to continue practicing. This was an unforgettable learning opportunity.

- Ellie Varvarigou, Music Society Governing Body member

It was a great opportunity to attend this beautiful festival in Belfast and being able to travel to a very beautiful country. There I was introduced to the wonderful Irish culture, allowing me to expand my knowledge on it and visit some places with so many things we do not see every day in Greece. I attended the “Traditional Singing” class where we did some songs in English but also songs that contained a few Irish verses, which introduced me to the language. Through this trip we also got to grow closer with our peers and our professors and learn more about each other. This trip will always stay with me and it is definitely something I will remember for a very long time.

- Marifet Mitsiou, Music Performance Major

We had the extreme delight of experiencing some of the most beautiful creations of Ireland’s traditional music and the country’s history on our Music Department trip. Not only am I grateful for the experiences I gained through the classes we took part in during our time there, but it felt as if we were able to fully engage with the country's culture and its music, traditions and nature.

- Victoria Weil, Music Theatre Minor (Germany)

The Deree Music Society had an unforgettable excursion and cultural experience. Our trip to Ireland was a unique experience of a beautiful culture with its unique history, music and dance traditions.  Students and faculty alike were immersed in a range of classes where we studied with so many friendly and warm Irish classmates and instructors. We went to many concerts and pub sessions, and traditional Irish dances. A highlight was the performances with our classes in Belfast’s main cathedral at the culmination of the festival.

- Pr. Leslie Jones, Music Department Head

As a Music Society, we were able to bond with each other, creating an even more solid community than before and learn a lot about Irish culture, while also sharing valuable parts of our own! It was an exciting trip. 

- Elektra Mavropsaridi, Music Society President

This has been an amazing experience in every aspect. We enjoyed 10 days full of exploration, discovery and participation in the rich Irish culture and history. Faculty and students learnt so much through it and came back full of inspiration, new ideas and plans for the future!

- Pr. Effi Minakoulis, Music Dept Professor and Choir Director

If you would like to attend Belfast Summer School of Traditional Music in 2025, find out more below;

Summer School Masterclasses

Summer School Accommodation

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